In the Fairfield Police Cadet Program, the ranking youth members are responsible for the meetings and events. Currently the post has one Captain, two Lieutenants, three Sergeants and a Corporal. These cadets, known as the command staff, are responsible for all communication with the cadets, as well as the planning and running of meetings and events.
This rank structure mimics that of a police department, and allows the more senior youth members to experience the responsibilities and leadership positions that come with being a supervisor. The police advisors act as guides to these ranking cadets, and simply provide the tools needed for them to accomplish the orders issued to them.
In general, all those within the higher branch of the ranking structure, like the Captain, give orders only to those directly below them in the chain of command and receive orders only from those directly above them, such as the Post Advisors. A Cadet member who has difficulty executing a task or order and appeals for relief directly from another ranking official above his immediate commander in the chain of command is likely to be advised otherwise. It will be explained how the structure works within the chain of command, and they have to show proof of newly said knowledge.
The concept of chain of command also implies that higher rank alone does not entitle a higher-ranking service member to give commands to anyone of lower rank. For example, a Lieutenant of the post will not directly command lower-ranking members such as the Cadets, but will approach a Sergeant to handle, execute, or appeal to the action requested by the higher ranking member. The chain of command means that the individual members take orders from only one superior and only give orders to a defined group of people immediately below them. If an explorer has an issue, needs consultation, or help with a concern, he/she is to follow up with their Sergeant, who in turn will approach a Lieutenant with the issue. If the issue can not be resolved at the Sergeant's level of expertise, then the issue will be carried over to a higher ranking cadet, and so on up the ladder of "Rank" until a resolution can be met.
How to Obtain a Rank?
When there is an opening in the chain of command, a testing process is conducted for Cadets who are applicable for the position. To obtain a ranking position, Cadets must have attended at least one competition (Stations Day or Tactical Challenge). These cadets who are eligible will submit a resume and cover letter expressing their intent to apply for the rank. The Cadets will then take a written test for the open position, followed by an interview with an oral board of police officers. This process is designed to simulate the actual application process for police officers, as well as the promotional process for officers within the Fairfield Police Department.
Eligible Cadets who express an interest in testing for a ranking position will be offered optional classes on how to write a resume and cover letter, as well as interview etiquette and practice questions. These classes are also open to Cadets not participating in the testing process, but who want the experience. These classes benefit Cadets who not only want a career in law enforcement, but offers interview experience not usually provided to young teens prior to their first job interviews.
Cadet rank maintaining paperwork
Cadet Lt. von Ehr prepping the July Fireworks parking lot plan
Sabryne Freyler Interviewing for the position of Lieutenant